They Just Don't Build Things Like They Used To
You've heard the old adage "They just don’t build things like they used to." Maybe you’ve even said it yourself. I wonder if this is a generational perspective. It is awfully familiar to me as someone from Generation X. It is probably even more so for the two generations ahead of me.
But does that old saying still apply, with the massive technological advancements we have today? We have cars that drive themselves, for crying out loud! Not even the writers of Back to the Future could predict the modern-day capabilities of our phones. (Side-note: that future date Michael J Fox went to…it was 5 years ago! I still want that hover board, btw...)

Of course things aren't built like they used to be, but the original saying is not about capability. It's about reliability and longevity; earlier products were just built to last. So, where do we stand on the statement, "they just don’t build things like they used to."? Well, we agree and disagree.
So much of what we see today is expendable or disposable. And it's no surprise that attention spans are getting shorter. People want the hottest, newest options. But that also means we get to take advantage of the constantly changing new technologies that make our lives more efficient.

Our historic building, built in 1901, is an example of the exceptional craftsmanship of that age. The solid wood floors and huge vertical columns are still the foundation of our building today, 120 years later. We still have one printing press that is almost 30 years old and going strong, because it’s extremely reliable and produces quality prints. It rarely breaks down, and if it does, we can fix it ourselves, without having to call in specialists.
With that said, the technology that is becoming available today is simply changing the game in printing. We believe in setting the trend, not following it. To do that, we must invest in new technology.

IMAGINE THIS: Take your average, everyday bottle of water. Divide that water into 1 million water parts. Now take 1 of those parts and divide that into 1 million parts. That is a picoliter - the size of each drop of ink from the printhead nozzles on our newest press. Mind blown yet? Want to geek out a little more? It's about to get technical in here.

(DEEP BREATH) Our Fujifilm J-press is a cutting edge, fully digital, B2 format printer that holds 4 print bars, each with 17 modular printheads that each contain 2048 nozzles. That's a total of 139,264 nozzles, each depositing droplets as small as 2 picoliters. The deposition of each of those nozzles is monitored by an in-line CCD Sensor system that can detect any problems and change it before the nozzles drop ink on the next sheet. Every single sheet can be printed with a different image, and it does it at a rate of 2700 sheets an hour (BIG EXHALE).
What I am trying to say is; this printing press is really cool.
But why does this matter? The answer is simple. This new technology means you no longer have to pick from an off-the-shelf product design for it to be affordable. You get EXACTLY what you want. You can be original without breaking the bank!
Cool customization in calendar advertising was once reserved only for the companies with unlimited budgets. Not anymore. Lower minimums, lower cost, more customization, more possibilities. YES! You deserve it.
The phrase "they don’t build things like they used to" is starting to take on a new meaning for us. We are certainly proud of our history and the parts of our company that fit this idea. While at the same time, we're excited that things aren’t always built like they used to be. The new technologies mean new capabilities. Here at Calendar Company, our goal is to combine both meanings of the phrase, by tapping into new possibilities, with products built to last.
Here’s to the best of what's been, and the best of what's to come.